UNESCO Sites in Costa Rica

Costa Rica unesco sites
Costa Rica unesco sites
unesco world heritage sites

Costa Rica UNESCO has registered 4 sites on the World Heritage list and 1 on the tentative list.

Some places are so interesting that it’s relevant to keep them for future generations. This is why UNESCO has built a list of crucial classified properties in which superb places stand out for their aesthetic, natural, artistic, or cultural significance.

More than a thousand places are registered as Unesco’s World Heritage worldwide. Due to my interest in visiting World Heritage sites, I compiled the UNESCO list in Costa Rica and the corresponding map.

Costa Rica UNESCO list

  1. Precolumbian Chiefdom Settlements with Stone Spheres of the Diquís
  2. Area de Conservación Guanacaste
  3. Cocos Island National Park
  4. Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park

Costa Rica UNESCO Map

Click on the blue pins to view more relevant information about each World Heritage site in Costa Rica.


  1. Precolumbian Chiefdom Settlements with Stone Spheres of the Diquís: A collection of over 300 spherical stone objects found in the Diquís Delta region of southern Costa Rica, believed to have been made by the pre-Columbian indigenous peoples of the area.
  2. Area de Conservación Guanacaste: A protected area in northwestern Costa Rica that contains a diverse range of ecosystems, including tropical dry forests, cloud forests, and mangroves.
  3. Cocos Island National Park: A park located 550 km off the coast of Costa Rica that contains a unique marine ecosystem and is an important site for scientific research and exploration.
  4. Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park: A transboundary park system in Costa Rica and Panama that contains a diverse range of ecosystems, including tropical rainforests, cloud forests, and high-altitude grasslands, and is home to several indigenous communities.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Costa Rica have protected places for their cultural and natural importance.

Sites on the Tentative List

  1. Corcovado National Park and Isla del Caño Biological Reserve