Male Celebrities with Name Tattoos

All of the biggest and hottest names in Hollywood and around are big tattoo fans.

Love come and goes, so do the tattoos. Johnny Depp is the most famous male celebrity that has his name tattoo design altered after broke up.

Let’s have a look at celebrities with name tattoos. Check out in our gallery.

David Beckham’s Name Tattoo

Having over 30 tattoos it would be impossible to have some name tattoo missing. David Beckham has even few. He inked names of his kids on his back and collar bone, Harper, Brooklyn and Cruz. David also has his wife’s name, Victoria, tattooed on his hand.

David Beckham Name Tattoo
David Beckham’s Name Tattoo

David Beckham Name Tattoo
David Beckham’s Name Tattoo

David Beckham Hand Name Tattoo
David Beckham’s Name Hand Tattoo

Johnny Depp’s Name Tattoo

Name tattoos of Johnny Depp also tribute to his kids. His daughter name Lilly Rose is on his chest, and son’s name – Jack – on his arm. Depp had also very famous name tattoo saying “Winona Forever” (Winona Ryder) but he altered it after they split to “Wine Forever”.

Johnny Depp Name Tattoo
Johnny Depp’s Name Tattoo

Johnny Depp Name Tattoo
Johnny Depp’s Name Tattoo

Mark Wahlberg’s Name Tattoo

Famous Hollywoos actor, also known from rapper band Marky Mark, Mark Wahlberg has a design of his initials “MW” along with his last name on his upper right arm.

Mark Wahlberg Name Tattoo
Mark Wahlberg’s Name Tattoo

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